Our hearts get warmer when it’s time to break the ice.
Presenting Partner UBS gifts families shared experiences - and supports the Family Sector at the Spengler Cup Davos.
Family time
at the Spengler Cup
The Spengler Cup brings people from all over the world together to celebrate sports. There is nothing like sharing excitement and creating new memories with loved ones – that's exactly what the UBS Family-Sector is all about.
The Family Sector is an area in the Davos ice stadium reserved exclusively for families with children up to the age of 15. All families can take 1 to 4 children to the Spengler Cup games and benefit from a special offer.
The children's seats are offered by UBS. All this for the price of 222 CHF for two adults with children, or 168 CHF for a single accompanying person with one child. To compare, single tickets in this category cost CHF 112 in the regular sale.
Anfragen für Buchungen im UBS Family-Sektor senden Sie uns bitte via unserem Online-Formular.
Die Ticketeinteilung und Bestätigung erfolgt ab August 2025.